The Least Disciple

Do justly, love mercy & walk humbly with your God

  • Do you want more?

    Tonight I was pondering on this truth, There is nothing more to have of God, than to have God Himself Do we have God? do we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within? what more do we want? There is nothing more! Oh but perhaps we speak of experiences, of wanting to know in the same way that Adam & Eve, who already had God, wanted to know more for themselves?

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  • My Father's Burdens

    I woke up this morning at around 4am with a strong feeling to spend some time praying in the Spirit. Here are my thoughts, which are poor substitute for the emotional experience I had as I considered my relationship with the creator of everything, who has said I can call Him my Father: We are such little things, such frail things in a world filled with terror and violence. We spend our lives surviving a world that seems so random: Joy, love and life, with sadness, hate and anger all bundled together.

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  • Ears to hear

    I don’t believe in prophets today, but I do believe in prophecy; I believe that the days of Big P prophets are behind us and that the Holy Spirit who gives dreams and visions and prophetic words is available to every Child of Yahweh, I believe this because I read it in the word: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

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  • Local prayer

    “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Hope, Love, Jesus Brothers and Sisters in Christ, specifically those who are in our immediate community of Monbulk and surrounding districts. This message is for you. As you are aware our nation is in various stages of lockdown due to the COVID-19 event, and gatherings in public places and now in homes have been banned for the forseeable future.

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  • Crouching at the door

    Last month in Australia a man burned his wife and children alive in their car and then climbed in with them to die after stabbing himself. He did this because he was angry that his wife was fleeing his violent behaviour. I have nothing to say about this murderous man, other than the story sets the scene for the response by Sydney man Toby Francis, which cut through the usual virtue signalling with a clarity and raw honest introspection that left me stunned at both his bravery and candour.

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  • Lambs dressed as mutton

    “When I was a child I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” A little lamb with its mother Turning forty is no great achievement for an upper-middle-class westerner, part of the privilege we are born in to in Australia I believe. I was recently at the ER with some concerns about my heart (which turned out to be nothing), however I was pleasantly chuffed when the Doctor said “We don’t tend to worry too much with men as young as yourself.

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  • Won't watch list

    Back in high-school I studied Speilburg’s famous movie Schindler’s List. For many people it’s one of the few movies that populate their ‘won’t watch’ list – not because it’s a terrible movie, but because it cuts through the thin venier of goodness we mentally paint over humanity so we can sleep at night. Whilst I’ve seen Schindler’s List, my ‘won’t watch’ list still contains Isao Takahata’s Grave of Fireflies, and perhaps to the surprise of some, Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.

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  • The value of Notre Dame in God's Economy

    As with most people when I woke to the news that Notre Dame Cathedral had burned I was saddened by the loss of such a beautiful building. With plans to travel to France next year to visit the Taizé Community with our family, Notre Dame (Along with most of Paris) would have been on out list of things to go and see. Notre Dame burning (CC-BY-SA - LeLaisserPasserA38/Wikipedia) Certainly this emotion for the loss of a building most of us rarely give a second thought for has been reflected by many people around the world.

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