The Least Disciple

Do justly, love mercy & walk humbly with your God

Ears to hear

I don’t believe in prophets today, but I do believe in prophecy; I believe that the days of Big P prophets are behind us and that the Holy Spirit who gives dreams and visions and prophetic words is available to every Child of Yahweh, I believe this because I read it in the word:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Shall be saved.’

— Peter quoting the prophet Joel at Pentacost

That said, we must clearly discern every word spoken in the name of the Lord, that it aligns with the Truth (scripture) and the Spirit. Taking things on any person’s say-so is foolish, test what you hear, disgard the deception and seek confirmation about the truth. Be like a Berean!

He who has ears, let him hear

I am nobody, the least of all who call themseves a disciple of Yeshua (Jesus), I am also a heratic in the true sense of the term; HERATIC: n. A person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. (And the protestant church I’ll add), so if credentials are what you seek then feel free to stop reading now.

Hearing from My Lord - 2015

In June 2015 I was woken from my sleep very early in the morning, and heard the Holy Spirit say ‘Thus says the Lord’. It was on repeat in my mind, ‘Thus says the Lord’ booming in my head and so still blearly eyed and half asleep I prayed something like ‘Lord, I would never profess to speak on your behalf’, You see anyone claiming to speak for God either has heard clearly or has no regard for their life and the precarious situation they are in, putting words in God’s mouth.

Still the words came, ‘Thus says the Lord’ and so I picked up some paper and a pencil and I wrote all of this in under a minute as it poured into my mind.

"Thus says the Lord, the Lord of Hosts,

I am preparing you in these days for what I am about to do. For a time is coming and indeed has come when I shall pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Every brother amongst you shall prophesy and sister interpret tongues and dream dreams.

The days of man on the earth are few and soon My Kingdom will come on the earth as it is in Heaven.

Be prepared as virgins who carried enough oil to see the coming of the Bride Groom.

Give the oil that brings life which is My Holy Spirit and walking in My commandments and My ways to all. Lift up and encourage the little ones, the lost ones in this time of strife knowing that the dawn is near and it must get darker before it becomes light.

Soon the Devil and all those who oppose Us will be bound and cast into the pit.

Take courage and know that the Lord your God cares for you as a hen cares for her chicks. I will gather you to my wings and keep you safe. I will wipe away every tear and you will know me face to face.

Do not be afraid, I am with you says the Lord.”

— Prophetic word to me, 2015

At the time I shared this with the Elders at the church we were part of with some trepidation, who was I to claim I had heard from the Lord in such a clear way? the pastor had it printed in the following weeks newsletter and I shared it with the congregation.

What I did not do was make a list of the instructions within it and make it the focus of my work, as I should have done.

  • Be prepared as a vigin with enough oil. Matt 25
  • Give said oil: defiend as Holy Spirit, Walking in God’s ways, Obeying His commands.
  • To: ALL, lift up the little ones, the lost ones.
  • Take courage, God cares for us.
  • Don’t be afraid.

Hearing from My Lord - 4th June 2020

This week I had a second clear word from God (not to say I don’t hear regularly in small ways about individual things, but certainly not like this, again a very clear ‘write this down’ instruction and then almost dictation-like writing down in a matter of a minute or less).

It happend on the 4th, I was reading a Facebook Post by Torben Søndergaard in which he explained a prophetic dream he had just had which is an important word for God’s people about the great war we are in and the urgency for the body to wake up! WE ARE IN WAR! (please take the time to read it before continuing here).

It immediately struck me and checked my spirit, because it directly echoed something a good friend said to me on the last visit I had with him before he went to be with the Lord; He said to me ‘Tim, I had a vision, and in it I walked out onto my back veranda and the sky was red over the hill toward Melbourne and smoke was rising up, I could hear machine-gun fire in the town (Monbulk) and I could hear bombs falling all around me. What I am seeing is the spiritual war that is going on but it will soon manifest in the physical.’

My friend’s words from a year or two ago echoed in my mind as I read Torben’s message, it felt like I was hearing them for the second time and so I felt I had to share Torben’s message with a few people, one being a great brother in Christ who is on mission in Thailand.

After I sent the message from Torben, along with a word about hearing it from an old dear friend a bit over a year ago, I walked into the Kitchen and felt the Holy Spirit say ‘Write what I say to you.’ Just as firmly as I had heard back in June 2015, almost exactly five years earlier. I went to my laptop and the following flowed immediately as I begain to type:

Ok Lord, you asked me to come and write so here I am, what would you like me to say:

This is a message that I would have you pass on to my people: Fear me for I am the Lord your God, who delivers you from the fire expecting righteousness and holiness as my reward from my children.

You do not know me but I know you and have called you and will uphold you as you seek my face and obey my commands. Why do you 'consider' when I have instructed, why do you complain and stubbornly ask again when I have been clear to you?

Repent and learn obedience for I Am he who forgives and has mercy on all who turn from their wicked ways. Seek me while I can be found and I will come near to you, cry out to me and I will hear you and my Spirit will be with you, fear me and I will keep you in the shadow of my wings for I love you.

Honor me with your deeds and not only your words, put my heart which I have given to you into your chest and walk in my ways bringing justice and righteousness to all in My name, fearing no man.

Why do you fear men who kill the body and not I who hold your soul?
What is this life that you value it above eternity?
Step out in faith and be My people in the world for the time is short and quickly drawing to an end, I am coming soon with my reward in my hand, make youselves ready for you are my people and I am your God.

— Prophetic word to me, 2020

There was one paragraph more which I have not shared, which was directed to me specifically which I shall treasure in my heart.

Not long after I had typed this message out and was pondering what it meant I got a reply from my brother in Thailand, with a copy of my message from 2015 which he had kept (at that point he had no idea what I had just written).

I have been rebuked for not taking seriously what was delivered to me in 2015, ‘why do you consider when I have instructed? why do you complain and stubbornly ask again when I have been clear to you?’

The Lord spent roughly 2,000 years with the people of Israel from the time of His covenant, and now 2,000 years with the ‘church’ who have turned from His commandments and chased after the traditions of men, just as the Israelites did.

Soon our King will return to bring together His stubborn and unprofitable people, and like the servants of a nobel King, much will be expected of us on His arrival.